LLC Operating Agreement Template

Use our LLC operating agreement template to identify your business as a limited liability company and establish how it will operate.

LLC Operating Agreement Template

Updated September 3, 2024
Written by Josh Sainsbury | Reviewed by Brooke Davis

An LLC operating agreement is a critical legal document that explains how a limited liability company will conduct its operations. It establishes rules for running the business, including decision-making protocols, member responsibilities, and profit distribution.

By State

By Type

single member llc operating agreement template

Single Member LLC

This document governs the operations of an LLC with only one member (owner).

Multi-Member LLC Operating Agreement Form

Multi Member LLC

This agreement is for LLCs with two or more members, each of whom holds a membership interest in the company.

What Is an LLC Operating Agreement?

An LLC operating agreement outlines a limited liability company’s ownership and member duties. The agreement sets out the financial and working relations that suit the specific needs of the business owners.

It defines many crucial aspects of the LLC, including its day-to-day operations and procedures to follow if a member needs to leave the business. The owners should create one following the LLC’s formation to facilitate smooth business performance.

What Is an LLC?

A limited liability company (LLC) is a type of business structure that combines the liability benefits of a corporation with the tax benefits of a sole proprietorship or partnership.

LLCs minimize their members’ legal accountability, especially in case of litigation. They also protect the members’ assets from collection, creating a separate property from the LLC.

Do I Need an Operating Agreement for an LLC?

The only states that require an LLC operating agreement for LLC formation and maintenance are California, [1] Delaware, [2] Maine, [3] Missouri, [4] and New York. [5]

All other states don’t specifically require an operating agreement to create an LLC. Even though you technically don’t need an operating agreement in the other states, choosing not to have one can result in the following consequences:

Furthermore, an LLC operating agreement can let you specify distributive shares or make special allocations. For example, you may establish that each member’s share of losses and profits is proportional to their ownership percentage (e.g., having 55% ownership in the LLC entitles you to 55% of the profits and losses).

On the other hand, you may make special allocations (e.g., you and your partner have 50/50 ownership, but you settle on an arrangement that lets you receive 70% of the profits while your partner receives 30%).

Do I Need a Joint Venture Agreement?

Most joint ventures established in the US are formed as LLCs for tax purposes. If you want to create your LLC as a joint venture, you might also need a joint venture agreement.

What to Include LLC Operating Agreement

Here are the essential elements to include in an LLC operating agreement: